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연구소 마마파파&베이비의 핵심인 베이비 드림 난임 연구소는
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인공수정 시술에서 처리된 정자를 오랜기간 배양하는 것이 임신율에 영향을 주지 않는다.

2010년 유럽불임학회(ESHRE) P-046 IUI outcome is not affected adversely by prolonged incubation of washed sperm at room temperature until IUI is performed. (인공수정 시술에서 처리된 정자를 오랜기간 배양하는 것이 임신율에 영향을 주지 않는다.)

E.M. Cha1, J.H. Lee1, I.H. Park1, K.H. Lee1, M.H. Kim2
1 Mamapapa&baby Hospital, Infertility Lab, Ulsan, Korea South
2 Ellemedi OBGY, Changwon, Kyeong Sang Nam-do, Korea South


It is known that prolonged exposure of sperm to seminal plasma is harmful to sperm motility. Also, incubation of washed sperm in media prepared for intrauterine insemination or in vitro fertilization treatment could be a factor of hyperactivation, one proposed marker for capacitation as well known. Even though the processed sperm has good quality, not all women inseminated could expect positive outcome. We hypothesized that the pregnancy rate of IUI would be affected by prolonged exposure of processed sperm to media. Thus the objective of our study is to determine the correlation between time intervals from the end of sperm wash to intrauterine insemination and IUI outcome.


Retrospective study


192 IUI treatment cycles performed from June 2009 to December 2009 were analyzed. Women received 50~150mg of clomephene citrate(cc) daily for consecutive days. Follicular development was monitored by trans-vaginal ultrasound. In 34~38 hours after administration of hCG, a single IUI were performed by physician. Semen specimens were produced either at our clinic or at home. After liquefaction, sperm wash was performed by a density gradient centrifugation. Investigator recoded the time start of sperm wash and time finish of sperm wash. Processed semen was placed in RT (Room Temperature) until IUI was performed. Time of IUI was also recorded by physician. All women had a serum pregnancy test 15 days after insemination. Our study population is divided into two groups based on the time intervals from the end of sperm wash to IUI.
group A: ≤30 minutes, n=74 (n: number of women performed IUI)
group B: >30 minutes, n=118 (n: number of women performed IUI)


Female ages ranged 27~48 years with a median of 37 years. There was no difference between Group A and B including female ages, indication, methods of sperm processing, processed sperm. Time intervals from the end of sperm wash to IUI ranged 2~194 minutes with the mean 43 minutes. Total IUI pregnancy rate was 16.7% (32/102).
Pregnancy rates have no significant difference between group A (15/74, 20%) and group B (17/118, 14%) but it shows that probability of pregnancy was regressed a little against time interval.


Our result shows that the pregnancy rate is slightly declined in group B. This result is supported by fertility ability of sperm decreases when sperm exposes to media excessively. We supposed there are two factors influence to fertility ability of sperm. First, prolonged incubation of sperms in media affects to motility of sperms by exhaustion of energy sources in medium by spermatozoa. Second, present premature capacitation which including hyperactivation is a negative factor to fertility ability because hyperactivated sperm cannot traverse the uterotubal junction. Premature capacitation of washed sperm may occur due to removing of seminal plasma. Meanwhile sperm incubation at room temperature produces a temporary blockage of capacitation related events. Both hypotheses support early performing of IUI after sperm wash produces better IUI outcome. It seems that our data doesn’t show the difference between group A and B because we keep washed sperm at room temperature. Thus we recommend IUI should be performed as soon as sperm processing is completed, otherwise sperms should be placed at RT until IUI is performed.

  • 2010년 유럽불임학회(ESHRE) P-524 인공수정 시술 시 hCG 주사 시간과 시술 시간의 간격이 임신율에 영향을 준다.
  • 2010년 미국불임학회(ASRM) P-85 동결란 이식시 프로게스테론 보충과 수정란의 성장속도를 이식일에 맞추어서 시행하게 되면 임신율 향상을 가져온다.
  • 2009년 유럽불임학회(ESHRE) P-589 자궁근종 적출술 – 빠르고 안전한 수술과 최소복부 절개술을 통한 결과 분석
  • 2009년 미국불임학회(ASRM) O-288 생리시작 3일째 FSH/LH의 비율이 높은 것과 GnRH 효능제와 길항제 요법 사이의 임신율과의 관계
  • 2009년 미국불임학회(ASRM) P-279 GnRH 길항제를 장기간 사용하는 것은 임신율 감소와 중요한 상관관계가 있다.
  • 2008년 미국불임학회(ASRM) P-228 시험관 시술 시 계절적 변동성과 임신율에는 중요한 상관 관계가 있다.
  • 2007년 미국불임학회(ASRM) P-673 배아 이식시 카테터에 배아가 남아 있는 경우 바로 재이식하여도 임신율에 부정적인 영향을 주지 않는다.
  • 2006년 미국불임학회(ASRM) P-258 3일 배양 후 배아 이식할 때 수정란의 형태를 확인 후 이식하는 것이 임신율의 향상에 도움이 된다.