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시험관 시술에 있어 생활 스트레스와 시험관 시술에 따른 스트레스의 영향

2013년 유럽불임학회(ESHRE) P-396 The impact of life stress and IVF procedure-related stress on IVF outcomes. (시험관 시술에 있어 생활 스트레스와 시험관 시술에 따른 스트레스의 영향)

K.H. Lee1, H.G. Sun1, I.H. Park1, S.G. Kim1, J.H. Lee1, Y.Y. Kim1, H.J. Kim1, K.H. Kim2
1 Mamapapa&baby Obstetrics Gynecology Clinic, Ulsan, Korea South
2 Bucheon Maria Hospital, Bucheon, Korea South

Study question

Is life stress or IVF procedure-related stress harmful to IVF outcome?

Summary answer

Moderate life stress contribute to enhancement of pregnancy rate, but there was no correlation between pregnancy rate and IVF procedure-related stress.

What is known already

There are many factors that affect the success of in-vitro fertilization, and psychological factors are emerging. There is preliminary evidence to suggest an impact of stress on chances of achieving a pregnancy with IVF, but the lack of a proven research results.

Study design, size, duration

The study included 617 patients who underwent IVF cycles from September 2011 to November 2012.

Participants/materials, setting, methods

A survey was conducted by using questionnaire before starting ART treatment. The strength of life stress and IVF procedure-related stress were expressed each in scale 0 to 10 and high score means more stress.

Main results and the role of chance

The patients were divided into three groups by each stress grades (0-4 : mild, 5-7 : moderate, 8-10 : severe stress). Among total 617 patients, average age was 35.5±4.46, Other demographics (age, infertility causes, IVF protocols, oocyte numbers, etc.) had no differences among groups. There were no statistically correlation between pregnancy rate and IVF procedure-related stress [51.5% (69/134) in grade 0-4, 51.0% (157/308) in grade 5-7, 45.1% (79/175) in grade 8-10, P=0.12]. In analysis of life stress, pregnancy rate was higher in moderate stress group [48.9% (90/184) in grade 0-4, 55.3% (121/219) in grade 5-7 and 43.9% (94/214) in grade 8-10], which showed statistically significance (P=0.007).

Limitations, reasons for caution

A level of stress was described based on patient’s subjectivity.

Wider implications of the findings

Whereas IVF procedure-related stress does not affect pregnancy rate, excessive life stress would have a negative influence. Therefore, we should advise to patients that proper life stress control is important for successful IVF. Also, a detailed explanation about irrelevance between IVF procedure-related stress and pregnancy rate is required in order that patients feel more comfortable during IVF

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