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인공수정시술에서 정자 처리 과정에서 빛을 차단하는 것의 효과

2013년 미국불임학회(ASRM) P-1052 The effectiveness of shielding light during semen liquefaction in IUI cycle. (인공수정시술에서 정자 처리 과정에서 빛을 차단하는 것의 효과)

Hye Jin Kim1, SeokGi Kim1, Kyeong Ho Lee1, IlHae Park1, Hong Gil Sun1 and JiHye Lee1.
1Infertility lab, Mamapapa&baby obstetrics and Gynecology, HWASHIN BLD 4F 1367-5 DAL-DONG, NAM-KU ULSAN, x, Republic of Korea, 680-805.


It is already known that light could have negative effect on the embryo. However little or no attention has been paid to effect of light on sperm. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of light on sperm.


Retrospective study


The study included 1080 IUI cycles between January 2012 and February 2013. Women received 50~150mg for 5days of clomiphene citrate(cc) and hMG every other day. Follicular development was monitored by trans-vaginal ultrasound. In 34-38 hours after administration of hCG, IUI were performed. The patients were divided into two groups according to light shield or not during liquefaction. Semen wash was performed by a density gradient centrifugation. Outcome measures included pregnancy rate. Statistically analyzed by t-test.P value <0.05.


Our result shows that total pregnancy rate was 16.20% (175/1080) in 1080 cycles. Pregnancy rate of light shield group was 16.67% (17/102) and light exposure group was 16.16% (158/978). In both group, the patients’ characteristics as measured by age, parity, semen quality and cause of infertility showed no difference. Pregnancy rate of light shield group was similar with that of light exposure group (16.67% vs. 16.16%, p=0.89).According to our result the significant differences were not found between the two groups.


Our result shows that light exposure during liquefaction did not affect outcomes in IUI cycles. Therefore light shield is not necessary in semen processing.

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