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시험관 시술에 있어 긍정적인 생각의 효과

2013년 유럽불임학회(ESHRE) P-362 The impact of positive thinking on IVF outcomes. (시험관 시술에 있어 긍정적인 생각의 효과)

H.G. Sun1, K.H. Lee1, I.H. Park1, S.G. Kim1, J.H. Lee1, Y.Y. Kim1, H.J. Kim1, J.D. Cho2, Y.J. Yoo2
1 Mamapapa&baby Obstetrics Gynecology Clinic, Ulsan, Korea South
2 Ellemedi Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic, Changwon, Korea South

Study question

Does positive thinking about success on IVF enhance pregnancy rate?

Summary answer

Pregnancy rate was high in the group with positive thinking, but the group with too strong confidence had adverse effect, so pregnancy rate was impaired.

What is known already

There is evidence to suggest that psychological factors may influence the chances of obtaining a pregnancy with IVF. Also, the faith on success of IVF may effect as psychological factor and play pivotal role.

Study design, size, duration

The study included 617 patients who underwent IVF cycles from September 2011 to November 2012.

Participants/materials, setting, methods

A survey was conducted by using questionnaire before starting ART treatment. The questionnaire was the level of the positive thinking about success of IVF (scale 0 to 10) and high score means more positive thinking.

Main results and the role of chance

The patients were divided into three groups by grades (0-6 : less positive thinking or uncertain, 7-9 : more positive, 10 : strong confidence). Among total 617 patients, average age was 35.5±4.46, Other demographics (age, infertility causes, IVF protocols, oocyte numbers, etc.) had no differences among groups. Pregnancy rates were 43.0% (89/207) in grade 0-6, 57.6% (110/191) in grade 7-9 and 48.4% (106/219) in grade 10. Patients with more than grade 7 showed higher pregnancy rate (P=0.043), but those patients with too strong confidence (grade 10) appeared to have relatively low pregnancy rate (P=0.031).

Limitations, reasons for caution

A level of positive thinking was described based on patient’s subjectivity.

Wider implications of the findings

Most patients feel anxiety, vague fear and uncertainty on IVF procedure. Our study shows that the faith on success of IVF would enhance pregnancy rate, but too strong confidence might cause a negative effect on pregnancy rate. Therefore when counselling infertile couples, doctors should encourage and support positive thinking through provide accurate informations about IVF, but advise to avoid wrong (too strong) expectancy on success.

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